Today, I Am Blessed.

As the sun sits tonight, I look around at everything I sweet husband, my beautiful kids, and my home. MY HOME is where I feel most inspired, most comfortable, most appreciated. THIS is where my life is and where it all began for me. When I look at this picture it reminds me why I'm starting HOME GROWN. I want to be able to give someone the opportunity to be able to call a place "HOME"
I have always had a heart for design, restoration, old character and new, starting a project from the ground up. I've struggled with an introduction post for myself until tonight, tonight when I realized God has put me here for a reason and IM BEYOND BLESSED to be starting this, even though I have second guessed myself a million times, I'm turning this over to him and here we go!

With that being said...I know I promised you guys a renovation blog step by step, BUT I have an even better surprise in store and its super exciting. Due to this surprise, I wont be able to post any blogs on this particular house until further notice. In the meantime, I will be keeping this site updated with fun projects at my personal home which is something new everyday lol.. Everyone always asks where I get this and that and how I done this, so now I will start sharing! If anyone would like me to share a specific thing, let me know and I will try to touch on those things first. Thank you so much for every person that has reached out to me up to this point, and encouraging me, it means more than you know! Remember to share and Goodnight friends!